.. auto-generated by script ../../../../utils/nxdl2rst.py from the NXDL source NXsubentry.nxdl.xml .. index:: ! NXsubentry (base class) ! subentry (base class) see: subentry (base class); NXsubentry .. _NXsubentry: ========== NXsubentry ========== **Status**: base class, extends :ref:`NXobject` **Description**: Group of multiple application definitions for "multi-modal" (e.g. SAXS/WAXS) measurements. ``NXsubentry`` is a base class virtually identical to :ref:`NXentry` and is used as the (overlay) location for application definitions. Use a separate ``NXsubentry`` for each application definition. To use ``NXsubentry`` with a hypothetical application definition called ``NXmyappdef``: * Create a group with attribute ``NX_class="NXsubentry"`` * Within that group, create a field called ``definition="NXmyappdef"``. * There are two optional attributes of definition: ``version`` and ``URL`` The intended use is to define application definitions for a multi-modal (a.k.a. multi-technique) :ref:`NXentry`. Previously, an application definition replaced :ref:`NXentry` with its own definition. With the increasing popularity of instruments combining multiple techniques for data collection (such as SAXS/WAXS instruments), it was recognized the application definitions must be entered in the NeXus data file tree as children of :ref:`NXentry`. **Symbols**: No symbol table **Groups cited**: :ref:`NXcollection`, :ref:`NXdata`, :ref:`NXinstrument`, :ref:`NXmonitor`, :ref:`NXnote`, :ref:`NXparameters`, :ref:`NXprocess`, :ref:`NXsample`, :ref:`NXuser` .. index:: NXnote (base class); used in base class, NXuser (base class); used in base class, NXsample (base class); used in base class, NXinstrument (base class); used in base class, NXcollection (base class); used in base class, NXmonitor (base class); used in base class, NXdata (base class); used in base class, NXparameters (base class); used in base class, NXprocess (base class); used in base class **Structure**: .. _/NXsubentry@default-attribute: .. index:: default (file attribute) **@default**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` .. index:: find the default plottable data .. index:: plotting .. index:: default attribute value Declares which :ref:`NXdata` group contains the data to be shown by default. It is used to resolve ambiguity when one :ref:`NXdata` group exists. The value :ref:`names <validItemName>` the default :ref:`NXentry` group. The value must be the name of a child of the current group. The child must be a NeXus group or a link to a NeXus group. For more information about how NeXus identifies the default plottable data, see the :ref:`Find Plottable Data, v3 <Find-Plottable-Data-v3>` section. .. _/NXsubentry@IDF_Version-attribute: .. index:: IDF_Version (file attribute) **@IDF_Version**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` ISIS Muon IDF_Version .. _/NXsubentry/title-field: .. index:: title (field) **title**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` Extended title for entry .. _/NXsubentry/experiment_identifier-field: .. index:: experiment_identifier (field) **experiment_identifier**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` Unique identifier for the experiment, defined by the facility, possibly linked to the proposals .. _/NXsubentry/experiment_description-field: .. index:: experiment_description (field) **experiment_description**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` Brief summary of the experiment, including key objectives. .. _/NXsubentry/collection_identifier-field: .. index:: collection_identifier (field) **collection_identifier**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` User or Data Acquisition defined group of NeXus files or :ref:`NXentry` .. _/NXsubentry/collection_description-field: .. index:: collection_description (field) **collection_description**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` Brief summary of the collection, including grouping criteria. .. _/NXsubentry/entry_identifier-field: .. index:: entry_identifier (field) **entry_identifier**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` unique identifier for the measurement, defined by the facility. .. _/NXsubentry/definition-field: .. index:: definition (field) **definition**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` Official NeXus NXDL schema to which this subentry conforms .. _/NXsubentry/definition@version-attribute: .. index:: version (field attribute) **@version**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` NXDL version number .. _/NXsubentry/definition@URL-attribute: .. index:: URL (field attribute) **@URL**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` URL of NXDL file .. _/NXsubentry/definition_local-field: .. index:: definition_local (field) **definition_local**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` Local NXDL schema extended from the subentry specified in the ``definition`` field. This contains any locally-defined, additional fields in the subentry. .. _/NXsubentry/definition_local@version-attribute: .. index:: version (field attribute) **@version**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` NXDL version number .. _/NXsubentry/definition_local@URL-attribute: .. index:: URL (field attribute) **@URL**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` URL of NXDL file .. _/NXsubentry/start_time-field: .. index:: start_time (field) **start_time**: (optional) :ref:`NX_DATE_TIME <NX_DATE_TIME>` Starting time of measurement .. _/NXsubentry/end_time-field: .. index:: end_time (field) **end_time**: (optional) :ref:`NX_DATE_TIME <NX_DATE_TIME>` Ending time of measurement .. _/NXsubentry/duration-field: .. index:: duration (field) **duration**: (optional) :ref:`NX_INT <NX_INT>` {units=\ :ref:`NX_TIME <NX_TIME>`} Duration of measurement .. _/NXsubentry/collection_time-field: .. index:: collection_time (field) **collection_time**: (optional) :ref:`NX_FLOAT <NX_FLOAT>` {units=\ :ref:`NX_TIME <NX_TIME>`} Time transpired actually collecting data i.e. taking out time when collection was suspended due to e.g. temperature out of range .. _/NXsubentry/run_cycle-field: .. index:: run_cycle (field) **run_cycle**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` Such as "2007-3". Some user facilities organize their beam time into run cycles. .. _/NXsubentry/program_name-field: .. index:: program_name (field) **program_name**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` Name of program used to generate this file .. _/NXsubentry/program_name@version-attribute: .. index:: version (field attribute) **@version**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` Program version number .. _/NXsubentry/program_name@configuration-attribute: .. index:: configuration (field attribute) **@configuration**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` configuration of the program .. _/NXsubentry/revision-field: .. index:: revision (field) **revision**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` Revision id of the file due to re-calibration, reprocessing, new analysis, new instrument definition format, ... .. _/NXsubentry/revision@comment-attribute: .. index:: comment (field attribute) **@comment**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` .. _/NXsubentry/pre_sample_flightpath-field: .. index:: pre_sample_flightpath (field) **pre_sample_flightpath**: (optional) :ref:`NX_FLOAT <NX_FLOAT>` {units=\ :ref:`NX_LENGTH <NX_LENGTH>`} This is the flightpath before the sample position. This can be determined by a chopper, by the moderator or the source itself. In other words: it the distance to the component which gives the T0 signal to the detector electronics. If another component in the NXinstrument hierarchy provides this information, this should be a link. .. _/NXsubentry/experiment_documentation-group: **experiment_documentation**: (optional) :ref:`NXnote` Description of the full experiment (document in pdf, latex, ...) .. _/NXsubentry/notes-group: **notes**: (optional) :ref:`NXnote` Notes describing entry .. _/NXsubentry/thumbnail-group: **thumbnail**: (optional) :ref:`NXnote` A small image that is representative of the entry. An example of this is a 640x480 jpeg image automatically produced by a low resolution plot of the NXdata. .. _/NXsubentry/thumbnail@mime_type-attribute: .. index:: mime_type (group attribute) **@mime_type**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR <NX_CHAR>` The value should be an ``image/*`` Obligatory value: ``image/*`` .. _/NXsubentry/USER-group: **USER**: (optional) :ref:`NXuser` .. _/NXsubentry/SAMPLE-group: **SAMPLE**: (optional) :ref:`NXsample` .. _/NXsubentry/INSTRUMENT-group: **INSTRUMENT**: (optional) :ref:`NXinstrument` .. _/NXsubentry/COLLECTION-group: **COLLECTION**: (optional) :ref:`NXcollection` .. _/NXsubentry/MONITOR-group: **MONITOR**: (optional) :ref:`NXmonitor` .. _/NXsubentry/DATA-group: **DATA**: (optional) :ref:`NXdata` .. _/NXsubentry/PARAMETERS-group: **PARAMETERS**: (optional) :ref:`NXparameters` .. _/NXsubentry/PROCESS-group: **PROCESS**: (optional) :ref:`NXprocess` Hypertext Anchors ----------------- List of hypertext anchors for all groups, fields, attributes, and links defined in this class. * :ref:`/NXsubentry/COLLECTION-group </NXsubentry/COLLECTION-group>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/collection_description-field </NXsubentry/collection_description-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/collection_identifier-field </NXsubentry/collection_identifier-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/collection_time-field </NXsubentry/collection_time-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/DATA-group </NXsubentry/DATA-group>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/definition-field </NXsubentry/definition-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/definition@URL-attribute </NXsubentry/definition@URL-attribute>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/definition@version-attribute </NXsubentry/definition@version-attribute>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/definition_local-field </NXsubentry/definition_local-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/definition_local@URL-attribute </NXsubentry/definition_local@URL-attribute>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/definition_local@version-attribute </NXsubentry/definition_local@version-attribute>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/duration-field </NXsubentry/duration-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/end_time-field </NXsubentry/end_time-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/entry_identifier-field </NXsubentry/entry_identifier-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/experiment_description-field </NXsubentry/experiment_description-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/experiment_documentation-group </NXsubentry/experiment_documentation-group>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/experiment_identifier-field </NXsubentry/experiment_identifier-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/INSTRUMENT-group </NXsubentry/INSTRUMENT-group>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/MONITOR-group </NXsubentry/MONITOR-group>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/notes-group </NXsubentry/notes-group>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/PARAMETERS-group </NXsubentry/PARAMETERS-group>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/pre_sample_flightpath-field </NXsubentry/pre_sample_flightpath-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/PROCESS-group </NXsubentry/PROCESS-group>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/program_name-field </NXsubentry/program_name-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/program_name@configuration-attribute </NXsubentry/program_name@configuration-attribute>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/program_name@version-attribute </NXsubentry/program_name@version-attribute>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/revision-field </NXsubentry/revision-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/revision@comment-attribute </NXsubentry/revision@comment-attribute>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/run_cycle-field </NXsubentry/run_cycle-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/SAMPLE-group </NXsubentry/SAMPLE-group>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/start_time-field </NXsubentry/start_time-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/thumbnail-group </NXsubentry/thumbnail-group>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/thumbnail@mime_type-attribute </NXsubentry/thumbnail@mime_type-attribute>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/title-field </NXsubentry/title-field>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry/USER-group </NXsubentry/USER-group>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry@default-attribute </NXsubentry@default-attribute>` * :ref:`/NXsubentry@IDF_Version-attribute </NXsubentry@IDF_Version-attribute>` **NXDL Source**: https://github.com/nexusformat/definitions/blob/main/base_classes/NXsubentry.nxdl.xml