.. do NOT edit this file automatically generated by script /home/runner/work/nexus-fairmat-proposal/nexus-fairmat-proposal/source/nexus_definitions/manual/source/classes/base_classes/../../../../utils/nxdl_summary.py .. index:: ! see: class definitions; base class ! base class .. _base.class.definitions: Base Class Definitions ###################### A description of each NeXus base class definition is given. NeXus base class definitions define the set of terms that *might* be used in an instance of that class. Consider the base classes as a set of *components* that are used to construct a data file. :ref:`NXaperture` A beamline aperture. This group is deprecated, use NXslit instead. :ref:`NXattenuator` A device that reduces the intensity of a beam by attenuation. :ref:`NXbeam` Properties of the neutron or X-ray beam at a given location. :ref:`NXbeam_stop` A device that blocks the beam completely, usually to protect a detector. :ref:`NXbending_magnet` A bending magnet :ref:`NXcapillary` A capillary lens to focus the X-ray beam. :ref:`NXcite` A literature reference :ref:`NXcollection` An unvalidated set of terms, such as the description of a beam line. :ref:`NXcollimator` A beamline collimator. :ref:`NXcrystal` A crystal monochromator or analyzer. :ref:`NXcylindrical_geometry` Geometry description for cylindrical shapes. :ref:`NXdata` :ref:`NXdata` describes the plottable data and related dimension scales. :ref:`NXdetector` A detector, detector bank, or multidetector. :ref:`NXdetector_group` Logical grouping of detectors. When used, describes a group of detectors. :ref:`NXdetector_module` Geometry and logical description of a detector module. When used, child group to NXdetector. :ref:`NXdisk_chopper` A device blocking the beam in a temporal periodic pattern. :ref:`NXentry` (**required**) :ref:`NXentry` describes the measurement. :ref:`NXenvironment` Parameters for controlling external conditions :ref:`NXevent_data` NXevent_data is a special group for storing data from neutron :ref:`NXfermi_chopper` A Fermi chopper, possibly with curved slits. :ref:`NXfilter` For band pass beam filters. :ref:`NXflipper` A spin flipper. :ref:`NXfresnel_zone_plate` A fresnel zone plate :ref:`NXgeometry` legacy class - recommend to use :ref:`NXtransformations` now :ref:`NXgrating` A diffraction grating, as could be used in a soft X-ray monochromator :ref:`NXguide` A neutron optical element to direct the path of the beam. :ref:`NXinsertion_device` An insertion device, as used in a synchrotron light source. :ref:`NXinstrument` Collection of the components of the instrument or beamline. :ref:`NXlog` Information recorded as a function of time. :ref:`NXmirror` A beamline mirror or supermirror. :ref:`NXmoderator` A neutron moderator :ref:`NXmonitor` A monitor of incident beam data. :ref:`NXmonochromator` A wavelength defining device. :ref:`NXnote` Any additional freeform information not covered by the other base classes. :ref:`NXobject` This is the base object of NeXus :ref:`NXoff_geometry` Geometry (shape) description. :ref:`NXorientation` legacy class - recommend to use :ref:`NXtransformations` now :ref:`NXparameters` Container for parameters, usually used in processing or analysis. :ref:`NXpdb` A NeXus transliteration of a PDB file, to be validated only as a PDB :ref:`NXpinhole` A simple pinhole. :ref:`NXpolarizer` A spin polarizer. :ref:`NXpositioner` A generic positioner such as a motor or piezo-electric transducer. :ref:`NXprocess` Document an event of data processing, reconstruction, or analysis for this data. :ref:`NXreflections` Reflection data from diffraction experiments :ref:`NXroot` Definition of the root NeXus group. :ref:`NXsample` Any information on the sample. :ref:`NXsample_component` One group like this per component can be recorded For a sample consisting of multiple components. :ref:`NXsensor` A sensor used to monitor an external condition :ref:`NXshape` legacy class - (used by :ref:`NXgeometry`) - the shape and size of a component. :ref:`NXslit` A simple slit. :ref:`NXsource` The neutron or x-ray storage ring/facility. :ref:`NXsubentry` Group of multiple application definitions for "multi-modal" (e.g. SAXS/WAXS) measurements. :ref:`NXtransformations` Collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe a geometry. :ref:`NXtranslation` legacy class - (used by :ref:`NXgeometry`) - general spatial location of a component. :ref:`NXuser` Contact information for a user. :ref:`NXvelocity_selector` A neutron velocity selector :ref:`NXxraylens` An X-ray lens, typically at a synchrotron X-ray beam line. .. toctree:: :hidden: NXaperture NXattenuator NXbeam NXbeam_stop NXbending_magnet NXcapillary NXcite NXcollection NXcollimator NXcrystal NXcylindrical_geometry NXdata NXdetector NXdetector_group NXdetector_module NXdisk_chopper NXentry NXenvironment NXevent_data NXfermi_chopper NXfilter NXflipper NXfresnel_zone_plate NXgeometry NXgrating NXguide NXinsertion_device NXinstrument NXlog NXmirror NXmoderator NXmonitor NXmonochromator NXnote NXobject NXoff_geometry NXorientation NXparameters NXpdb NXpinhole NXpolarizer NXpositioner NXprocess NXreflections NXroot NXsample NXsample_component NXsensor NXshape NXslit NXsource NXsubentry NXtransformations NXtranslation NXuser NXvelocity_selector NXxraylens