.. _example-view-nexpy: Plot a NeXus HDF5 file with *NeXpy* ################################### A NeXus HDF5 file with plottable data (see :ref:`h5py-example-plotting`) can be plotted by ``NeXpy`` [#]_. .. [#] *NeXpy*: http://nexpy.github.io/nexpy/ .. compound:: .. _fig-Example-nexpy-plot: .. figure:: nexpy.png :alt: fig-Example-nexpy-plot :width: 80% plot the simple example using NeXpy Compare this with :ref:`simple-example-plot` and note that the horizontal axis of this plot is mirrored from that above. This is because the data is stored in the file in descending ``mr`` order and ``NeXpy`` has plotted it that way (in order of appearance) by default.