======================================= User Manual and Reference Documentation ======================================= Welcome to the user manual of the NeXus for FAIRmat project. https://www.nexusformat.org/ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 fairmat-cover nexus-index em-structure mpes-structure ellipsometry-structure apm-structure transport-structure cgms-structure north-structure ----------- .. rubric:: Publishing Information | This commit time code <>. | This commit identifier <>. | This manual built |today|. .. seealso:: The extended NeXus documentation: :HTML: https://manual.nexusformat.org/ :PDF: https://manual.nexusformat.org/_static/NeXusManual.pdf A very brief overview (title: *NeXus for the Impatient*) is also available (separate from the manual). :HTML: https://manual.nexusformat.org/impatient/ :PDF: https://manual.nexusformat.org/_static/NXImpatient.pdf FAIRmat website: ``_ NOMAD website: ``_