.. _Mpes-Structure: ============================================== B2/B3: Photoemission & core-level spectroscopy ============================================== .. index:: IntroductionMPES NewAppDef NewBC NewCommonBC ExtendedBC .. _IntroductionMPES: Introduction ############## Set of data storage objects to describe photoemission experiments including x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES), angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), two-photon photoemission (2PPE) and photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM). We also included descriptors for advanced specializations, such as spin-resolution, time resolution, near-ambient pressure conditions, dichroism etc. .. _NewAppDef: New Application Definitions ############################ We created two new application definitions: :ref:`NXmpes`: A general appdef with minimalistic metadata requirements, apt to describe all photemission experiments. .. _NewBC: New Base Classes ################# We developed entirely new base classes: :ref:`NXelectronanalyser`: A base class to describe electron kinetic energy analizers. Contains the collective characteristics of the instrument such as energy resolution, and includes the following subclasses: :ref:`NXcollectioncolumn`: Base class to describe the set of electronic lenses in the electron collection column (standard, PEEM, momentum-microscope, etc.). :ref:`NXenergydispersion`: Base class to describe the energy dispersion sytem (hemispherical, time-of-flight, etc.). :ref:`NXspindispersion`: Base class to describe the set of electronic lenses in the electron collection column. :ref:`NXmanipulator`: A base class to describe the complex manipulators used in photoemission experiments, often with > 4 degrees of freedom, cryogenic cooling and other advanced features. We developed three base classes to describe data processing, which can be used as subclasses of :ref:`NXprocess` if describing post-processing or as subclasses of :ref:`NXdetector` if describing live, electronics level processing: :ref:`NXcalibration`: A base class to describe the 1D calibration of an axis, with a function mapping a raw data scale to a calibrated scale with the same number of points. :ref:`NXdistortion`: A base class to describe the 2D distortion correction of an axis, with a matrix mapping a raw data image to a undistorted image. :ref:`NXregistration`: A base class to describe the rigid transformations that are applied to an image. May be redundant as they can be described with :ref:`NXtransformations`. .. _NewCommonBC: New Common Base Classes ####################### We developed two classes that are common to other techniques: :ref:`NXlens_em`: A class to describe all types of lenses. Includes electrostatic lenses for electron energy analysers. :ref:`NXdeflector` A class to describe all kinds of deflectors, including electrostatic and magnetostatic deflectors for electron energy analysers. .. _ExtendedBC: Base Classes Extended in Application Definitions ################################################### We use existent base classes in application definitions and add descriptors: :ref:`NXaperture` Added fileds to describe analyser apertures and slits. :ref:`NXbeam` Adedd fields to describe utrafast laser beams. :ref:`NXdetector` Added fields to describe electron detectors (MCP+Phospor screen, delay lines etc.). :ref:`NXentry` Added fields to describe an experiment. :ref:`NXprocess` Added subclasses and collective processing descriptors. :ref:`NXsample` Added descriptors specific to photoemission experiments. :ref:`NXsource` Added descriptors for laboratory sources (X-ray, UV lamps) but mostly for ultrafast lasers with complex time structures. :ref:`NXinstrument` Added descriptors for the overall resolutions of the experiment (energy, momentum, angular, spatial, temporal).