.. _North-Structure: ============================== Nomad Remote Tools Hub (NORTH) ============================== .. index:: IntroductionApmParaprobe WhatHasBeenAchieved ApmParaprobeAppDef ApmParaprobeNewBC NextStep .. _IntroductionApmParaprobe: Introduction ############## NORTH (the NOMAD OASIS Remote Tools Hub) is a NOMAD OASIS service which makes preconfigured scientific software of different communities available coupled to the OASIS and accessible via the webbrowser. This part of the proposal documents examples for specific NeXus-related work to some of the tools and containers available in NORTH. One tool is the paraprobe-toolbox software package in the the apm tools container. The software is developed by `M. Kühbach et al. `_. Here we show how NeXus is used to consistently define application definitions for scientific software in the field of atom probe. In this community the paraprobe-toolbox is an example of an open-source parallelized software for analyzing point cloud data, for assessing meshes in 3D continuum space, and analyzing the effects of parameterization on descriptors about the microstructure of materials which were studied with atom probe microscopy. The need for a thorough documentation of the tools in not only the paraprobe-toolbox was motivated by several needs: First, users of software would like to better understand and also be able to study themselves which individual parameter and settings for each tool exists and configuring these affects their analyses quantitatively. Second, scientific software like those of the paraprobe-toolbox implement a numerical workflow where multiple data sources and previous analysis results are processed and carried through more involved analysis with several steps. Individual tools are developed in C/C++ and/or Python. Here, having a possibility for provenance tracking is useful as it is one component and requirement for making workflows exactly numerically reproducible and thus to empower scientists to fullfill better the "R", i.e. reproducibility of daily FAIR research practices. The paraprobe-toolbox is one example of a software which implements a workflow via a sequence of operations executed within a jupyter notebook (or Python script respectively). Specifically, individual tools are chained and convenience function are available to create well-defined input/configuration files for each tool. These config files instruct the tool upon processing. In this design, each workflow step (with a tool) is in fact a pair (or triple) of at least two sub-steps: i) the creation of a configuration file, ii) the actual analysis using the Python/or C/C++ tools, iii) the optional of the results in the HDF5 file from each tool run with other software in Python or Matlab for instance. .. _WhatHasBeenAchieved: What has been achieved so far? ############################## This proposal summarizes the first (of two) steps which change the interface and file interaction in all tools of the paraprobe-toolbox to accept exclusively well-defined configuration files and yield specific output. Data and metadata between the tools are exchanged with HDF5/NeXus files. Specifically, we created for each tool an application definition (see below) which details all possible settings and options for the configuration as to guide users. The config(uration) files are HDF5 files, whose content matches to the naming conventions of the respective application definition for each tool. As an example NXapm_paraprobe_config_surfacer specifies how a configuration file for the paraprobe-surfacer tool should be formatted and which parameter it contains. That is each config file uses a controlled vocabulary of terms. Furthermore, the config files store a SHA256 checksum for each input file. This implements a full provenance tracking on the input files along the processing chain/workflow. As an example, a user may first range their reconstruction and then compute correlation functions. The config file for the ranging tool stores the files which hold the reconstructed ion position and ranging definitions. The ranging tool generates a results file with the ion type labels stored. This results file and the reconstruction is imported by the spatial statistics tool which again keeps track of all files. This makes it possible to rigorously trace which numerical results were achieved with a specific chain of input and settings using specifically-versioned tools. We understand that this additional handling of metadata and provenance tracking may not be at first glance super relevant for scientists or appear and unnecessary feature. There is indeed an additional layer of work for the development and maintenance of the software. However, we are convinced that this is the preferred way of performing software development and data analyses as it enables users to take advantage of a completely automated provenance tracking which happens silently in the background. .. _ApmParaprobeAppDef: New Application Definitions ############################ :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_config_transcoder`: Configuration of paraprobe-transcoder Load POS, ePOS, APSuite APT, RRNG, RNG, and NXapm HDF5 files. :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_config_ranger`: Configuration of paraprobe-ranger Apply ranging definitions and explore possible molecular ions. :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_config_surfacer`: Configuration of paraprobe-surfacer Create a model for the edge of a point cloud via convex hulls, alpha shapes. :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_config_distancer`: Configuration of paraprobe-distancer Compute analytical distances between ions to a set of triangles. :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_config_tessellator`: Configuration of paraprobe-tessellator Compute Voronoi cells for if desired all ions in a dataset. :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_config_nanochem`: Configuration of paraprobe-nanochem Compute delocalization, iso-surfaces, analyze 3D objects, and composition profiles. :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_config_intersector`: Configuration of paraprobe-intersector Assess intersections and proximity of 3D triangulated surface meshes in continuum space to study the effect the parameterization of surface extraction algorithms on the resulting shape, spatial arrangement, and colocation of 3D objects via graph-based techniques. :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_config_spatstat`: Configuration of paraprobe-spatstat Spatial statistics on the entire or selected regions of the reconstructed dataset. :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_config_clusterer`: Configuration of paraprobe-clusterer Import cluster analysis results of IVAS/APSuite and perform clustering analyses in a Python ecosystem. .. _ApmParaprobeNewBC: New Base Classes ################# We envision that the above-mentioned definitions can be useful not only to take inspiration for other software tools in the field of atom probe but also to support a discussion towards a stronger standardization of the vocabulary used. Therefore, we are happy for your comments and suggestions on this and the related pages via the hypothesis web annotation service. We are convinced that the majority of data analyses in atom probe use an in fact common set of operations and conditions on the input data even though this might not be immediately evident. In particular this is not the case for some community build tools with a very specific scope where oftentimes the algorithms hardcoded. A typically example is a reseacher who implements a ranging tool and uses that all the examples are on a specific material. We are convinced it is better to follow a much more generalized approach. In this spirit, we propose the following base classes as examples how very flexible constraints can be implemented which restrict which ions in the dataset should be processed or not. We see that these suggestion complement the proposal on computational geometry base classes: :ref:`NXapm_input_reconstruction`: A description from which file the reconstructed ion positions are imported. :ref:`NXapm_input_ranging`: A description from which file the ranging definitions are imported. The design of the ranging definitions is, thanks to :ref:`NXion` so general that all possible nuclids be they observationally stable or radioactive can be considered. A detailed inspection of spatial and other type of filters used in atom probe microscopy data analysis revealed that it is better to define atom probe agnostic, i.e. more general filters: :ref:`NXspatial_filter`: A proposal how a point cloud can be spatial filtered in a very specific, flexible, yet general manner. This base class takes advantage of :ref:`NXcg_ellipsoid_set`, :ref:`NXcg_cylinder_set`, and :ref:`NXcg_hexahedron_set` to cater for all of the most commonly used geometric primitives in atom probe. :ref:`NXsubsampling_filter`: A proposal for a filter that can also be used for specifying how entries like ions can be filtered via sub-sampling. :ref:`NXmatch_filter`: A proposal for a filter that can also be used for specifying how entries like ions can be filtered based on their type (ion species) or hit multiplicity. In summary, we report with this proposal our experience made in an experimental project that is about using NeXus for standardizing a certain scientific software. During the implementation we learned that for handling computational geometry and microstructure-related terms many subtilities have to be considered which makes a controlled vocabulary valuable not only to avoid reimplementing the wheel. .. NextStep: Next Step #################### This also makes us confident to take the next step which will be to change also the results file of each tool. The following two application definition are not yet implemented in the tools' source code but give an idea for development purposes how such application definitions and description of created files could look like. :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_results_transcoder`: :ref:`NXapm_paraprobe_results_ranger`: