.. auto-generated by script ../../../../utils/nxdl2rst.py from the NXDL source NXfib.nxdl.xml .. index:: ! NXfib (base class) ! fib (base class) see: fib (base class); NXfib .. _NXfib: ===== NXfib ===== **Status**: base class, extends :ref:`NXobject` **Description**: Draft of a base class for describing focused-ion beam capabilities of an instrument. The class is designed to be used as an additional component of e.g. an electron microscope to describe sample/specimen preparation and the collecting of data and metadata for (scanning) electron microscope/focused-ion beam, (S)EM/FIB instruments. **Symbols**: No symbol table **Groups cited**: :ref:`NXaperture`, :ref:`NXlens_em`, :ref:`NXsource`, :ref:`NXtransformation` .. index:: NXsource (base class); used in base class, NXtransformation (base class); used in base class, NXlens_em (base class); used in base class, NXaperture (base class); used in base class **Structure**: .. _/NXfib/name-field: .. index:: name (field) **name**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR ` Given name. .. _/NXfib/model-field: .. index:: model (field) **model**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR ` Given brand or model name by the manufacturer. .. _/NXfib/serial_number-field: .. index:: serial_number (field) **serial_number**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR ` Given hardware name/serial number or hash identifier issued by the manufacturer. .. _/NXfib/manufacturer_name-field: .. index:: manufacturer_name (field) **manufacturer_name**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR ` Given name of the manufacturer. .. _/NXfib/description-field: .. index:: description (field) **description**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR ` Ideally a reference to persistent documentation which specifies further details for the device. If this is not available, add a free-text description to deliver further details about the focused-ion unit. .. _/NXfib/ion_gun-group: **ion_gun**: (optional) :ref:`NXsource` .. _/NXfib/ion_gun/ion_source-field: .. index:: ion_source (field) **ion_source**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR ` The type of source which creates the ion beam. Any of these values: ``liquid-metal`` | ``plasma`` | ``gas-field`` .. _/NXfib/ion_gun/ionized_species-field: .. index:: ionized_species (field) **ionized_species**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR ` Which ionized elements or molecule are ionized to form the beam that sputters material. Examples a gallium, helium, neon, argon, krypton, or xenon, O2+. .. _/NXfib/ion_gun/brightness-field: .. index:: brightness (field) **brightness**: (optional) :ref:`NX_FLOAT ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_ANY `} Average/nominal (discuss further with colleagues) brightness of the ion beam (at which location?). .. _/NXfib/ion_gun/flux-field: .. index:: flux (field) **flux**: (optional) :ref:`NX_FLOAT ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_FLUX `} Ion flux .. _/NXfib/ion_gun/current-field: .. index:: current (field) **current**: (optional) :ref:`NX_FLOAT ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_CURRENT `} Charge current .. _/NXfib/ion_gun/voltage-field: .. index:: voltage (field) **voltage**: (optional) :ref:`NX_FLOAT ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_VOLTAGE `} Ion acceleration voltage upon source exit and entering the vacuum flight path. .. _/NXfib/ion_gun/ion_energy_profile-field: .. index:: ion_energy_profile (field) **ion_energy_profile**: (optional) :ref:`NX_NUMBER ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_ENERGY `} Needs further discussion with colleagues how this should be defined. .. _/NXfib/TRANSFORMATION-group: **TRANSFORMATION**: (optional) :ref:`NXtransformation` A right-handed Cartesian coordinate system is used whose positive z-axis points in the direction of the ion beam, i.e. towards the sample. For modelling ion milling it is relevant to document the illumination vector. NXtransformations offers a place to store how the ion gun coordinate system has to be rotated to align its positive z-axis with the positive z-axis of e.g. the electron beam and ion beam respectively. .. _/NXfib/LENS_EM-group: **LENS_EM**: (optional) :ref:`NXlens_em` .. _/NXfib/APERTURE-group: **APERTURE**: (optional) :ref:`NXaperture` Hypertext Anchors ----------------- Table of hypertext anchors for all groups, fields, attributes, and links defined in this class. ======================================================================================== ======================================================================================== documentation (reST source) anchor web page (HTML) anchor ======================================================================================== ======================================================================================== :ref:`/NXfib/APERTURE-group ` :ref:`#nxfib-aperture-group ` :ref:`/NXfib/description-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-description-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/ion_gun-group ` :ref:`#nxfib-ion-gun-group ` :ref:`/NXfib/ion_gun/brightness-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-ion-gun-brightness-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/ion_gun/current-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-ion-gun-current-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/ion_gun/flux-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-ion-gun-flux-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/ion_gun/ion_energy_profile-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-ion-gun-ion-energy-profile-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/ion_gun/ion_source-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-ion-gun-ion-source-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/ion_gun/ionized_species-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-ion-gun-ionized-species-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/ion_gun/voltage-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-ion-gun-voltage-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/LENS_EM-group ` :ref:`#nxfib-lens-em-group ` :ref:`/NXfib/manufacturer_name-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-manufacturer-name-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/model-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-model-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/name-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-name-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/serial_number-field ` :ref:`#nxfib-serial-number-field ` :ref:`/NXfib/TRANSFORMATION-group ` :ref:`#nxfib-transformation-group ` ======================================================================================== ======================================================================================== **NXDL Source**: https://github.com/FAIRmat-Experimental/nexus_definitions/tree/fairmat/base_classes/NXfib.nxdl.xml