.. auto-generated by script ../../../../utils/nxdl2rst.py from the NXDL source NXmonitor.nxdl.xml .. index:: ! NXmonitor (base class) ! monitor (base class) see: monitor (base class); NXmonitor .. _NXmonitor: ========= NXmonitor ========= **Status**: base class, extends :ref:`NXobject` **Description**: A monitor of incident beam data. It is similar to the :ref:`NXdata` groups containing monitor data and its associated dimension scale, e.g. time_of_flight or wavelength in pulsed neutron instruments. However, it may also include integrals, or scalar monitor counts, which are often used in both in both pulsed and steady-state instrumentation. **Symbols**: No symbol table **Groups cited**: :ref:`NXgeometry`, :ref:`NXlog` .. index:: NXlog (base class); used in base class, NXgeometry (base class); used in base class **Structure**: .. _/NXmonitor@default-attribute: .. index:: default (file attribute) **@default**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR ` .. index:: plotting Declares which child group contains a path leading to a :ref:`NXdata` group. It is recommended (as of NIAC2014) to use this attribute to help define the path to the default dataset to be plotted. See https://www.nexusformat.org/2014_How_to_find_default_data.html for a summary of the discussion. .. _/NXmonitor/mode-field: .. index:: mode (field) **mode**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR ` Count to a preset value based on either clock time (timer) or received monitor counts (monitor). Any of these values: ``monitor`` | ``timer`` .. _/NXmonitor/start_time-field: .. index:: start_time (field) **start_time**: (optional) :ref:`NX_DATE_TIME ` Starting time of measurement .. _/NXmonitor/end_time-field: .. index:: end_time (field) **end_time**: (optional) :ref:`NX_DATE_TIME ` Ending time of measurement .. _/NXmonitor/preset-field: .. index:: preset (field) **preset**: (optional) :ref:`NX_NUMBER ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_ANY `} preset value for time or monitor .. _/NXmonitor/distance-field: .. index:: distance (field) **distance**: (optional) :ref:`NX_FLOAT ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_LENGTH `} Distance of monitor from sample .. _/NXmonitor/range-field: .. index:: range (field) **range[2]**: (optional) :ref:`NX_FLOAT ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_ANY `} Range (X-axis, Time-of-flight, etc.) over which the integral was calculated .. _/NXmonitor/nominal-field: .. index:: nominal (field) **nominal**: (optional) :ref:`NX_NUMBER ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_ANY `} Nominal reading to be used for normalisation purposes. .. _/NXmonitor/integral-field: .. index:: integral (field) **integral**: (optional) :ref:`NX_NUMBER ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_ANY `} Total integral monitor counts .. _/NXmonitor/type-field: .. index:: type (field) **type**: (optional) :ref:`NX_CHAR ` Any of these values: ``Fission Chamber`` | ``Scintillator`` .. _/NXmonitor/time_of_flight-field: .. index:: time_of_flight (field) **time_of_flight[ref(efficiency)]**: (optional) :ref:`NX_FLOAT ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_TIME_OF_FLIGHT `} Time-of-flight .. _/NXmonitor/efficiency-field: .. index:: efficiency (field) **efficiency[ref(i)]**: (optional) :ref:`NX_NUMBER ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_DIMENSIONLESS `} Monitor efficiency .. _/NXmonitor/data-field: .. index:: data (field) **data[n]**: (optional) :ref:`NX_NUMBER ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_ANY `} Monitor data .. _/NXmonitor/sampled_fraction-field: .. index:: sampled_fraction (field) **sampled_fraction**: (optional) :ref:`NX_FLOAT ` {units=\ :ref:`NX_DIMENSIONLESS `} Proportion of incident beam sampled by the monitor (0` {units=\ :ref:`NX_TIME `} Elapsed actual counting time, can be an array of size ``np`` when scanning. This is not the difference of the calendar time but the time the instrument was really counting, without pauses or times lost due beam unavailability .. _/NXmonitor/integral_log-group: **integral_log**: (optional) :ref:`NXlog` Time variation of monitor counts .. _/NXmonitor/GEOMETRY-group: **GEOMETRY**: (optional) :ref:`NXgeometry` Geometry of the monitor Hypertext Anchors ----------------- Table of hypertext anchors for all groups, fields, attributes, and links defined in this class. ============================================================================ ============================================================================ documentation (reST source) anchor web page (HTML) anchor ============================================================================ ============================================================================ :ref:`/NXmonitor/count_time-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-count-time-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/data-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-data-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/distance-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-distance-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/efficiency-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-efficiency-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/end_time-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-end-time-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/GEOMETRY-group ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-geometry-group ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/integral-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-integral-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/integral_log-group ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-integral-log-group ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/mode-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-mode-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/nominal-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-nominal-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/preset-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-preset-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/range-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-range-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/sampled_fraction-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-sampled-fraction-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/start_time-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-start-time-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/time_of_flight-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-time-of-flight-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor/type-field ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-type-field ` :ref:`/NXmonitor@default-attribute ` :ref:`#nxmonitor-default-attribute ` ============================================================================ ============================================================================ **NXDL Source**: https://github.com/FAIRmat-Experimental/nexus_definitions/tree/fairmat/base_classes/NXmonitor.nxdl.xml