.. do NOT edit this file automatically generated by script /home/runner/work/nexus-fairmat-proposal/nexus-fairmat-proposal/source/nexus_definitions/manual/source/classes/base_classes/../../../../utils/nxdl_summary.py .. index:: ! see: class definitions; base class ! base class .. _base.class.definitions: Base Class Definitions ###################### A description of each NeXus base class definition is given. NeXus base class definitions define the set of terms that *might* be used in an instance of that class. Consider the base classes as a set of *components* that are used to construct a data file. :ref:`NXaperture` A beamline aperture. :ref:`NXattenuator` A device that reduces the intensity of a beam by attenuation. :ref:`NXbeam` Properties of the neutron or X-ray beam at a given location. :ref:`NXbeam_stop` A device that blocks the beam completely, usually to protect a detector. :ref:`NXbending_magnet` A bending magnet :ref:`NXcalibration` Draft subclass of NXprocess to describe post-processing calibrations. :ref:`NXcapillary` A capillary lens to focus the X-ray beam. :ref:`NXcite` A literature reference :ref:`NXcollection` An unvalidated set of terms, such as the description of a beam line. :ref:`NXcollectioncolumn` Draft subclass of NXelectronanalyser to describe the electron collection column of a photoelectron analyser. :ref:`NXcollimator` A beamline collimator. :ref:`NXcorrector_cs` Draft of a base class for a device in a (transmission) electron microscope which corrects for spherical aberrations. The device consists of multiple NXlens_em instances and other components. :ref:`NXcrystal` A crystal monochromator or analyzer. :ref:`NXcylindrical_geometry` Geometry description for cylindrical shapes. :ref:`NXdata` :ref:`NXdata` describes the plottable data and related dimension scales. :ref:`NXdeflector` Draft class definition for electro-static deflectors as they are used e.g. in an electron analyser. :ref:`NXdetector` A detector, detector bank, or multidetector. :ref:`NXdetector_group` Logical grouping of detectors. When used, describes a group of detectors. :ref:`NXdetector_module` Geometry and logical description of a detector module. When used, child group to NXdetector. :ref:`NXdisk_chopper` A device blocking the beam in a temporal periodic pattern. :ref:`NXdistortion` Draft subclass of NXprocess to describe post-processing distortion correction. :ref:`NXelectronanalyser` Draft subclass of NXinstrument to describe a photoelectron analyser. :ref:`NXenergydispersion` Draft subclass of NXelectronanalyser to describe the energy dispersion section of a photoelectron analyser. :ref:`NXentry` (**required**) :ref:`NXentry` describes the measurement. :ref:`NXenvironment` Parameters for controlling external conditions :ref:`NXevent_data` NXevent_data is a special group for storing data from neutron :ref:`NXfermi_chopper` A Fermi chopper, possibly with curved slits. :ref:`NXfib` Draft of a base class for describing focused-ion beam capabilities of an instrument. The class is designed to be used as an additional component of e.g. an electron microscope to describe sample/specimen preparation and the collecting of data and metadata for (scanning) electron microscope/focused-ion beam, (S)EM/FIB instruments. :ref:`NXfilter` For band pass beam filters. :ref:`NXflipper` A spin flipper. :ref:`NXfresnel_zone_plate` A fresnel zone plate :ref:`NXgeometry` legacy class - recommend to use :ref:`NXtransformations` now :ref:`NXgrating` A diffraction grating, as could be used in a soft X-ray monochromator :ref:`NXguide` A neutron optical element to direct the path of the beam. :ref:`NXinsertion_device` An insertion device, as used in a synchrotron light source. :ref:`NXinstrument` Collection of the components of the instrument or beamline. :ref:`NXion` Atomic architecture of a (molecular) ion (fragment) which can be used for example to label charged molecule ions identified from mass-to-charge histogram data as appearing as signal in e.g. time-resolved mass spectrometry techniques like atom probe or secondary ion mass spectrometry. :ref:`NXlens` Draft class definition for electro-static lenses as they are used e.g. in an electron analyser. :ref:`NXlens_apm` Draft class definition for a component of an atom probe instrument which details an eventually available reflectron device whose purpose is to deflect the flight paths of the ions to realize what is effectively an energy compensation. :ref:`NXlens_em` Draft base class definition for electro-magnetic lenses as they are used e.g. in an electron microscope or reflectron device in a local electrode atom probe microscope. :ref:`NXlog` Information recorded as a function of time. :ref:`NXmanipulator` Draft extension of NXpositioner to include fields to describe the use of manipulators in photoemission experiments. :ref:`NXmirror` A beamline mirror or supermirror. :ref:`NXmoderator` A neutron moderator :ref:`NXmonitor` A monitor of incident beam data. :ref:`NXmonochromator` A wavelength defining device. :ref:`NXnote` Any additional freeform information not covered by the other base classes. :ref:`NXobject` This is the base object of NeXus :ref:`NXoff_geometry` Geometry (shape) description. :ref:`NXorientation` legacy class - recommend to use :ref:`NXtransformations` now :ref:`NXparameters` Container for parameters, usually used in processing or analysis. :ref:`NXpdb` A NeXus transliteration of a PDB file, to be validated only as a PDB :ref:`NXpeak` Proposal for storing mathematical models of peaks, their functional form or at least their measured support. :ref:`NXpinhole` A simple pinhole. :ref:`NXpolarizer` A spin polarizer. :ref:`NXpositioner` A generic positioner such as a motor or piezo-electric transducer. :ref:`NXprocess` Document an event of data processing, reconstruction, or analysis for this data. :ref:`NXpulser_apm` Draft for a class which can be used for representing a coarse-grained description of all those components of an atom probe microscope which realize the pulsing capabilities, whether it be for the laser or the high-voltage pulser, which trigger the removal of ions (atom probe tomography) or the excitation of gas ions (field-ion microscopy). :ref:`NXreflections` Reflection data from diffraction experiments :ref:`NXregistration` Draft extension of NXobject to include fields to describe image registration procedures. :ref:`NXroot` Definition of the root NeXus group. :ref:`NXsample` Any information on the sample. :ref:`NXsample_component` One group like this per component can be recorded For a sample consisting of multiple components. :ref:`NXscanbox_em` Description of the scan box which is instructed by the microscope control software to direct the probe to controlled locations according to a scan scheme and plan. :ref:`NXsensor` A sensor used to monitor an external condition :ref:`NXshape` legacy class - (used by :ref:`NXgeometry`) - the shape and size of a component. :ref:`NXslit` A simple slit. :ref:`NXsource` The neutron or x-ray storage ring/facility. :ref:`NXspindispersion` Draft subclass of NXelectronanalyser to describe the spin filters in photoemission experiments. :ref:`NXstage_lab` Candidate class for a component or a set of components which is coarse-grained into one logical unit. The role of the stage in an experiment is to hold/align/orient the sample/specimen and eventually offer a controlled environment and further devices to apply stimuli. Having an own candidate class is justified as contemporary specimen/sample stages are such multi-purpose/-functional tools with multiple actuators, sensors, components, and thus also the need to store the various (meta)data that are generated with manipulating the sample. Modern stages realize a hierarchy of components for achieving these tasks. For example the specimen might be mounted on a multi-axial tilt rotation holders which itself is fixed in the support unit that connects to the microscope. In other examples, taken from atom probe microscopy for instance, researchers may work with wire samples which are clipped into a larger fixing unit for convenience. This unit is known in atom probe jargon as a stub. Stubs in turn are positioned on pucks. Pucks are then loaded onto carousels. This NXstage class reflects two layers of this hierarchy. The stage is the root of the hierarchy. A stage carries the holder. In the case that it is not practical to distinguish these two layers, the holder should be given preference. Applied to examples, a nanoparticle is attached on a copper grid. The copper grid is the holder. The grid itself is fixed to the stage. An atom probe specimen is fixed in a stub, in this case the stub can be considered as the holder, while the cryostat temperature control unit reads more as the stage. A microtip on a microtip array is an example of a three-layer hierarchy commonly employed for efficient sequential processing of atom probe experiments. For a single experiment though only one microtip of the array at a time can be measured. Therefore, the microtip is the specimen, the array the holder and the remaining mounting unit that is attached to the cryo-controller the stage. To cover for an as flexible design of these complex lab-like modern stages users should nest NXstage_lab objects for reflect the differences between e.g. a holder and a stage. :ref:`NXsubentry` Group of multiple application definitions for "multi-modal" (e.g. SAXS/WAXS) measurements. :ref:`NXtransformations` Collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe a geometry. :ref:`NXtranslation` legacy class - (used by :ref:`NXgeometry`) - general spatial location of a component. :ref:`NXuser` Contact information for a user. :ref:`NXvelocity_selector` A neutron velocity selector :ref:`NXxraylens` An X-ray lens, typically at a synchrotron X-ray beam line. .. toctree:: :hidden: NXaperture NXattenuator NXbeam NXbeam_stop NXbending_magnet NXcalibration NXcapillary NXcite NXcollection NXcollectioncolumn NXcollimator NXcorrector_cs NXcrystal NXcylindrical_geometry NXdata NXdeflector NXdetector NXdetector_group NXdetector_module NXdisk_chopper NXdistortion NXelectronanalyser NXenergydispersion NXentry NXenvironment NXevent_data NXfermi_chopper NXfib NXfilter NXflipper NXfresnel_zone_plate NXgeometry NXgrating NXguide NXinsertion_device NXinstrument NXion NXlens NXlens_apm NXlens_em NXlog NXmanipulator NXmirror NXmoderator NXmonitor NXmonochromator NXnote NXobject NXoff_geometry NXorientation NXparameters NXpdb NXpeak NXpinhole NXpolarizer NXpositioner NXprocess NXpulser_apm NXreflections NXregistration NXroot NXsample NXsample_component NXscanbox_em NXsensor NXshape NXslit NXsource NXspindispersion NXstage_lab NXsubentry NXtransformations NXtranslation NXuser NXvelocity_selector NXxraylens