.. index:: NAPI; examples .. _NAPI-Examples: ================================= Example NeXus programs using NAPI ================================= .. _example.napi.simple.2d.write: NAPI Simple 2-D Write Example (C, F77, F90) ########################################### Code examples are provided in this section that write 2-D data to a NeXus HDF5 file in C, F77, and F90 languages using the NAPI. The following code reads a two-dimensional set ``counts`` with dimension scales of ``t`` and ``phi`` using local routines, and then writes a NeXus file containing a single ``NXentry`` group and a single ``NXdata`` group. This is the simplest data file that conforms to the NeXus standard. The same code is provided in C, F77, and F90 versions. Compare these code examples with :ref:`native-HDF5-Examples`. NAPI C Example: write simple NeXus file +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. note:: This example uses the signal/axes attributes applied to the data field, as described in :ref:`Design-FindPlottable-ByName`. New code should use the method described in :ref:`Design-FindPlottable-NIAC2014`. .. literalinclude:: napi-example.c :tab-width: 4 :linenos: :language: c NAPI F77 Example: write simple NeXus file +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. note:: The F77 interface is no longer being developed. .. literalinclude:: napi-example.f77 :tab-width: 4 :linenos: :language: fortran NAPI F90 Example: write simple NeXus file +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. note:: This example uses the signal/axes attributes applied to the data field, as described in :ref:`Design-FindPlottable-ByName`. New code should use the method described in :ref:`Design-FindPlottable-NIAC2014`. .. literalinclude:: napi-example.f90 :tab-width: 4 :linenos: :language: fortran .. _example.napi.simple.3d.write.python: NAPI Python Simple 3-D Write Example #################################### A single code example is provided in this section that writes 3-D data to a NeXus HDF5 file in the Python language using the NAPI. The data to be written to the file is a simple three-dimensional array (2 x 3 x 4) of integers. The single dataset is intended to demonstrate the order in which each value of the array is stored in a NeXus HDF5 data file. NAPI Python Example: write simple NeXus file ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. literalinclude:: simple3D.py :tab-width: 4 :linenos: :language: python View a NeXus HDF5 file using *h5dump* ##################################### For the purposes of an example, it is instructive to view the content of the NeXus HDF5 file produced by the above program. Since HDF5 is a binary file format, we cannot show the contents of the file directly in this manual. Instead, we first we view the content by showing the output from the ``h5dump`` tool provided as part of the HDF5 tool kit: ``h5dump simple3D.h5`` NAPI Python Example: ``h5dump`` output of NeXus HDF5 file +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. literalinclude:: simple3D.h5dump.txt :tab-width: 4 :linenos: :language: text View a NeXus HDF5 file using *punx tree* ######################################## The output of ``h5dump`` contains a lot of structural information about the HDF5 file that can distract us from the actual content we added to the file. Next, we show the output from a custom Python tool (``punx tree``) built for NeXus data file validation and view. [#]_ The *tree* option of this tool [#]_ was developed to show the actual data content of an HDF5 file that we create. .. [#] **punx** : https://punx.readthedocs.io/ .. [#] **punx tree** : https://punx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source_code/h5tree.html#how-to-use-h5tree NAPI Python Example: ``punx tree simple3D.h5`` output of NeXus HDF5 file ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. literalinclude:: simple3D.xture.txt :tab-width: 4 :linenos: :language: text